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e-Posters from HRS2020

Unfortunately, due to the COVID-19 pandemic the 2020 HRS Scientific Sessions were canceled. This is a huge bummer because our lab was slated to present THREE exciting abstracts.

Nevertheless, we were able to record short e-Poster presentations for all three:

Savannah's e-Poster from HRS2020
Savannah’s e-Poster from HRS2020

First up, Savannah Bifulco’s work looks at potential implications of fibrotic remodeling (as seen via LGE-MRI) in ESUS patients. Savannah also received an HRS travel award, which would have subsidized the cost of her trip. Great job Savannah!

Alex's e-Poster from HRS2020
Alex’s e-Poster from HRS2020

Next, Alex Ochs’s abstract explores the possibility that anion channelrhodopsins could be used to disrupt reentrant atrial arrhythmias. Congratulations Alex!

Pat's e-Poster from HRS2020
Pat’s e-Poster from HRS2020

Lastly, a poster that I would’ve presented (at the feature session!) but had major contributions from trainees Kirsten Kwan and Sakher Sarairah — this compares two major approaches for atrial fibrosis quantification (PIH: pixel intensity histogram vs. IIR: image intensity ratio) as applied to the same MRI scans from patients who underwent cardiac imaging prior to cryoballoon ablation for AFib. Great work Kirsten and Sakher!

Please let us know if you have any questions about these! #HRS2020Science, either here or at #HRS2021 😉 Thanks as always to coauthors and collaborators including Dr. Nazem Akoum, Prof. Natalia Trayanova’s Computational Cardiology Lab at Johns Hopkins University, and Prof. Steven Niederer’s Cardiac Electro-Mechanics Research Group (CEMRG) at King’s College London.