The lab has kept quite busy with research during the pandemic. We have a number of papers in the works, but we are excited to report that we have published two new review papers in the past month, both in BMJ Heart:
Boyle PM, del Álamo JC, Akoum N. Fibrosis, Atrial Fibrillation, and Stroke: Clinical Updates and Emerging Mechanistic Models. Heart. 2020; doi: 10.1136/heartjnl-2020-317455. [journal link] [UW link]
Bifulco SF, Akoum N, Boyle PM. Translational Applications of Computational Modelling for Patients with Cardiac Arrhythmias. Heart. 2020; doi: 10.1136/heartjnl-2020-316854. [journal link] [UW link]
Congratulations to Savannah on her inaugural first-author publication in the CardSS Lab. The first of many! Savannah also has a first-author preprint posted on medRxiv at the moment. Stay tuned for more updates on that front pending the result of ongoing peer review – fingers crossed!
As part of our ongoing collaboration with Prof. Natalia Trayanova’s Computational Cardiology Lab, we also have a paper accepted to Europace, which will be available online soon is online as of March 5th (yay!!):
Boyle PM, Ochs AR, Ali RL, Paliwal N, Trayanova NA. Characterizing the arrhythmogenic substrate in personalized models of atrial fibrillation: sensitivity to mesh resolution and pacing protocol. Europace. 2020; doi: 10.1093/europace/euaa385. [link (e.g., if you have an institutional subscription)] [UW link (login required)] [paywall-free link]
Congratulations to Alex on his first co-authored publication in our lab!
Finally, we are delighted to announce that our application was selected for funding by the University of Washington Institute of Translational Health Sciences. Our new $50k Collaboration Innovation Award will provide one year of pilot funding as of March 2021 for our ongoing collaboration with Dr. Nazem Akoum in UW Cardiology!