The team at UW Engineering News, led by the amazing Chelsea Yates, has published a touching new article that tells the story of a very scary experience Pat had with the health of his Dad (Mike Boyle) in fall of 2022. This changed the way we think about our research on AFib and stroke, making it all feel a lot more personal for Pat! We all feel very fortunate to work with world leaders at UW in this area who…
Author: boylelab
New CardSS Lab Research Published in JCE
New CardSS Lab Research Published in JCE
Congratulations to Fima! 1st Place Poster award at WA ACC!
Dr. Macheret earned the prize for 1st Place Poster in the Clinical Research Category at the WA ACC 2022 meeting.
Our “Rising Star” at Cascadia 4.0!
Chelsea was invited to give a “Rising Star” Lecture at the Cascadia 4.0 Symposium
New paper by Dr. Chahine in Front Cardiovasc Med!
New article in Front Cardiovasc Med by Chahine et al., on relationships between epicardial adipose tissue and fibrosis in the left atrium.
Jamie Yang is a Levinson Scholar!
Jamie Yang has received a 2022-23 Levinson Emerging Scholars Award!