Best Abstract award for Chelsea at 2022 UW ISCRM Fall Stem Cell Symposium
Author: boylelab
Congratulations to our graduating lab members!
We are extremely proud of our two graduating CardSS Lab members from the UW Bioengineering Class of 2022: Griffin Scott and Kelly Zhang!!
Alex Ochs is an ISCRM Fellow!
Alex Ochs has been named as an ISCRM Fellow for the 2022-23 academic year
Savannah Bifulco receives Outstanding Woman in Innovation award from the UW Society of Women Engineers!!
PhD Candidate Savannah Bifulco has been selected as a recipient of a 2022 Outstanding Woman in Innovation award
The CardSS Lab is Presenting New Work at #HRS22!
CardSS lab presentations at HRS
Jamie Yang is a Mary Gates Research Scholar!
Jamie has earned an MGRS