Shu-Yi (Vicky) Yeh, BS, MS (expected)
Master's Level Trainees
Vicky Yeh is a student in the UW Department of Bioengineering’s thesis based master of science program. She grew up in Taiwan, and earned her Bachelor of Science from Taipei Medical University, specializing in Biomedical Engineering. Since her undergraduate research, she has been interested in machine learning-based diagnosis in an MRI lab.
Motivated by this interest, she decided to join the CardSS Lab to further explore deep learning in a different field. Currently, she is involved in a project that utilizes a convolutional neural network to predict the occurrence of Ventricular Tachycardia (VT).
Outside of her studies, she enjoys playing the guitar, playing badminton, and traveling.
B.S.: Bioengineering, Taipei Medical University, 2022